Find Your Best Candidates. Fast.


Watch our demo video to get an overview of how Talent MATCH works and to see the innovative functions in action.

Get Started

Define your perfect candidate

The Assessment

See our analytics process in action

The Results

Understand the different types of insights


Step 1 - Create a New Job

Describe the essentials of a new job. This is what we call a “Campaign”.

The required input is self-explanatory and minimal:

  • Job name and ID number,
  • Some optional keywords,
  • Hiring Department
  • Manager’s name

That’s it.


Step 2 - Define What You Need

This is the heart of the process. Define the personality traits and competencies that a perfect candidate should have.

MATCH will evaluate all candidates against this Personality Profile to identify who would be the best fit.

First, select the attributes that are essential for success within the role and as a properly fitting member of your team.

Then use the sliders to indicate how heavily you prioritize these personality traits.

Of course, MATCH finds much more than just a perfect fit. We find personality patterns of high-performers and high-potentials and also look for indicators of problematic personalities.


Step 3 & 4 - Add Candidates & Activate

In these final steps, you will add your shortlisted candidates. These are the applicants you find qualified and experienced enough to consider. 

However, before inviting any of them to an interview, you will evaluate their fit and personality through MATCH people analytics.

The last step lets you just confirm all your inputs and you can activate the campaign.

The rest is all done automatically by Examiz MATCH.

When the analysis is complete, you will be provided with access to  the final assessment report, which contains all of the important details and recommendations inside.

Learn more about the science behind
Examiz People Analytics

How Does the Evaluation  Work?


Reference Nomination

Candidates receive an email that invites them to nominate their individual personal references.

The references are people who worked with your candidates in the past and know them well.

This is done through our online portal and takes less than five minutes for your Candidates.  The simplicity and efficiency helps create a positive impression of your recruitment process for the person that eventually joins your team.


Interviewing the References

The nominated references receive a personalized email in their native language that asks them to participate in an online survey.

This survey is scenario-based to prevent any manipulation

Our scientific methods have been designed to detect underlying behaviour patterns and assess personality attributes while eliminating bias.

The Assessment Results

The Analysis

After the references complete the questionnaire our system will:

  • Evaluate the responses utilizing our unique analytics technology
  • Conduct fraud detection to find any attempts of manipulation
  • Calculate the BEST MATCH score for each candidate showing how well they fit your organization and job requirements
  • Apply next-generation pattern recognition to find high-performers and high-potentials
  • Analyse individual personality  profiles for each candidate
  • Derive tailored and individualized interview questions for each candidate

This is done automatically and our technology makes sure that any human bias is eliminated.

Your Comprehensive Report

Once all results are collected, you can access the comprehensive report on the analytics results and findings.

The report is designed to provide all relevant information in an actionable and well-structured layout on an uncluttered one-page design. 

  • The Executive Summary provides all essential information of the campaign and lets you compare all candidates
  • The Candidate Details show detailed personality analytics for each person
  • The Individualized Interview Questions are provided as part of the candidate details section and target particular weaknesses that our analysis found

Optionally, you can anonymize all information to further foster diversity and equality of opportunities.


Executive Summary

 Best Match Score

  • Compares the overall fit of each candidate
  • Derived from the nominal job and team profile
  • Includes input from 30+ additional personality attributes and behaviour patterns

Candidate Details

  • Lets you compare the key strengths and weakness of all candidates

Potential Analytics

  • Being a top performer and having great potential are results of very specific combinations of personality traits and behaviour patterns
  • This magic quadrant interprets the traits and behaviours of all evaluated candidates into their potential to be a top performer, and indicates the “Rock Stars” among your candidates

Candidate Details

  • Gain detailed insight into a candidate’s  individual personality profile
  • Compare individual, team and overall performance

Individual Potential Analytics

  • The Performance Score compares the underlying personality traits that are typical for top performers
  • The Potential Score analyses the relevant competencies that indicate excellent development potential
  • The Rock Star Score represents not only excellent results in performance and potential, but unique attributes that make these candidates unique

Learn more about the science behind
Examiz People Analytics